
A report released recently shows high levels of Monsanto’s glyphosate poison in foods most Americans still eat … and you’ve heard absolutely nothing about it from major media sources!

Chemical companies claim that this poison doesn’t harm us because we are not bacteria. That is not accurate science, especially because there are dozens of studies showing harm, and also because your mitochondria are basically tiny bacteria. You have quadrillions of mitochondria in your body– much more than you have gut bacteria.

There is a sound research study showing that just 1/10 of a part per billion is enough to compromise the bacteria in your gut.

The results of the study are not too surprising given the insane amounts of the poison that are introduced into our environment every year without our permission.

What does surprise me is the total lack of coverage of this major story. It demonstrates how much money Monsanto invests in advertising!

Let’s hope that public pressure causes them to stop selling this poison. There is no possible way that you will perform at the level you are capable of performing if you are constantly exposing yourself to glyphosate.

Here is an excerpt from the full report.  You can read the full report via the link below.

” With an increasingly steady diet of processed foods, the American public is being primed for massive and previously unanticipated pesticide residue levels in our food, which will only continue to go up with the continued adoption and USDA approval of new herbicide-tolerant GMO crops.

In addition to on-farm use, Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides are also sprayed widely in parks, public spaces, lawns, home gardens, on roadsides, in forestry management, and used as a pre-harvest drying agent on certain food crops, including oats, wheat, barley and edible dry beans.

With the widespread increase in glyphosate use over the past 20 years and the fact that independent science has confirmed low level exposure to Roundup causes liver and kidney damage at only 0.05 ppb (parts-per-billion) glyphosate equivalent, as reflected by changes in function of over 4000 genes, the American public should be concerned about glyphosate residues on their food. Additional research points to harmful impacts at levels between 10 ppb and 700 ppb. Considering these shocking new scientific test results, regulators must take the below findings into account during any re- authorization of glyphosate.”.

Food Democracy Now Report on Glysophate

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