Why are there assumed “harmful” metals like aluminum, cadmium, lead, and arsenic in Youngevity’s Plant-sourced Minerals?

We get questions about the minerals often so this should shed some insight on the matter of how the minerals are acquired for these fantastic products.

Colloidals are microscopic-sized electrically charged particles. When absorbed by the body, colloidals act like a magnet, helping to pull broken-down cells into the bloodstream to be eliminated. Meanwhile, the body is replenished with nourishing life-enriching minerals.

The human body contains about 70 or so elements from the periodic chart. While we do not know what the specific function for many of these elements is within the human biochemistry, their mere presence would indicate purpose. Further, not all minerals are created equal. The source of the mineral supplement is of vital importance.

Youngevity’s minerals are organically derived minerals. These don’t come from rocks and soil. They are neither metallic nor salts. These are called colloidal minerals.

The organic or plant derived minerals come from humic shale. What’s that? Well, it’s prehistoric plant life in its concentrated form. It was first discovered on a Utah mountain-top and sold in 1926. It’s plant derived minerals.

That was around 90 years ago, so we’re not talking about some brand new, unproven product. Colloidal minerals are still harvested on that mountain today, from a 6000 year-old humic shale deposit.

Prehistoric plan life was packet with one of nature’s most amazing nutrients… colloidal minerals are taken from plants that have already assimilated inorganic minerals from rocks and soil. Through a process called photosynthesis, the plants have converted these precious minerals into organic colloidals that are easily absorbable by the human body. The air was full of oxygen and nitrogen back then, not like today. Some trees grew 25 feet A YEAR! Earth was a nutrient rich environment. Animal life like the Brontosaurus ate lots of minerals back when it was in plant form. And you know how big they got.

Minerals that come from inorganic sources such as rocks, clays and sea water can store in the soft tissues of the body, building up to potentially harmful levels. Plant-derived minerals, because of their electro-magnetic circuitry, cannot be stored in the body for longer than about 6 to 8 hours, never creating a potential toxic overload.

Plant-sourced minerals have the additional ability to remove their heavy metal counterparts. For example, plant-derived aluminum is very effective in not only cleansing the body at the cellular level but assists in removing any metallic aluminum that might be present in the body as well. These differ greatly from the inorganic acid leached clay products claiming to be plant derived colloidal minerals. The key here is PLANT DERIVED!

Only metallic minerals that are not metabolized or processed out of the body are potentially toxic. Plant-derived liquid trace minerals cannot be stored by the body, therefore cannot reach toxic levels. Due to their unique properties, these minerals have the ability to remove heavy metals by a process called ionic exchange. Just because a mineral is thought to be toxic today doesn’t mean that it really has no biological value.

Not so long ago we did not know what the vitamin pantothenic acid was for. Today we know it is a member of the B-complex family and its functions are many. Recently the mineral arsenic has been identified as having biological value and FDA is considering adding it to the RDI for human nutrition.

The easy way to spot acid leached minerals is the high CHLORIDE content (1100mg or more). This is the chemical signature of the acid process used on dolomite and bentonite sea bed clay originating in Arizona and other areas that were covered by inland seas at the end of the last Ice age. These products are not plant derived and are potentially dangerous due to the amounts of heavy metal released by the acid leaching process.

Minerals in their metallic form can be toxic to the human body.

Plant source minerals are completely non-toxic.

Colloidal minerals have a negative electrical charge, and each particle is hundreds of times smaller than a metallic mineral. The colloidals stay suspended in water rather than going into solution because of the negative charge and their size/ weight ratio.

Expert chemists say the reason colloidals are non-toxic is because of their plant or vegetable source, and their negative electrical charge. For example, iodine in colloidal form is one of the elements essential for human cells. But, if you drank even 2-3 grains of free iodine, it would surely kill you. In colloidal form, it is not only harmless, it is beneficial. The same is true for arsenic, lead, aluminum, and other minerals considered toxic.”

Plant derived minerals are clearly the BEST way to get your minerals.

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